STAND*Business (formerly Career)




“Amid the Situations of life, in various Timing, the Attitude we express is key to handling successes and failures well. The Navigation of our decisions, our emotions, and other activities, this dictates our Destiny.”

S.T.A.N.D., an acrostic, with a focus on Career, provides practical instruction on the decisions, emotions, and activities each person goes through when pursuing and overcoming challenges of your career journey. This seminar explains how having the right mindset and attitude for approaching career choices shapes our lives. Speaker Anita Helm uses life stories, laughter, and honesty in sharing how to persevere in the detours of life’s journey.

 As Anita speaks in STAND*Career to share how some of the scariest and risky decisions toward what you are great at in your skills and what you love can lead to a thriving career.   In her case, her leap led to prosperous career opportunities and an illustrious career for over 2 decades. 

STAND*Career will cover the realities of what the ABCs of Education doesn’t teach:


  • What Your Degree Doesn’t Get You
  • Jumping from Entry Level to Retirement Planning
  • Risk Taking
  • Compensation vs. Pay Checks
  • The Value of Continuous Learning 
  • Managing Bottom up – Top Down


Whether you are in on-the-job training or formal college education, we all find ourselves learning to become something more than we are NOW.  The sources of structured, vocational, undergraduate, graduate, certification, your relatives or whatever the means are just the avenues for the growth.

Many of us find ourselves living paycheck to paycheck for 8–15-hour jobs that bore or cause us to regret.  We are the captains of our lives whether they are ho-hum or over the moon. 

Regardless of where you are in your career path, this STAND session can help you perform a mental health check and a life-affirming "GUT" check if you are marking time or is it time to make a life-affirming course correction. 

Only you can know those answers about what is best for your life; however, this STAND customized 2-hour presentation concentrates on the peaks and valleys of joining, sustaining, and leaving the workforce. 

The presentation will go through the Situations, Timing, Attitude, Navigation and achieving your Destiny following the path in your CAREER JOURNEY. This is one of those courses that has implications not just for you but your family and the aspirations of what you true life goals entail. 

1 Day Workshop and 1 0r 2-Hour Interactive Presentations SAMPLE available.