“Amid the Situations of life, in various Timing, the Attitude we express is key to handling successes and failures well. The Navigation of our decisions, our emotions, and other activities, this dictates our Destiny.”
This customized 1-2-hour STAND with at least concentrates on the shifts and turns of the many relationships of your life. The presentation shares how living the Proverbs 31 is not always flowers and daisies.
The goal of the STAND*Relationships presentation (Relational, Business, Struggles and Faith) is to help the attendee to contemplate what is the right balance for themselves navigating the relationships of family, romance, friendship, trauma and adversarial couplings during the path of life's JOURNEY. This session is based on experiential learning and Christian ideology. There is no one size fits all and every day brings its own trouble as the Christian faith teaches.
The Stand*Relationships offering will teach:
- How to see if you are whole enough for a relationship
- Identify the 5 Pillars of relationships
- How to identify the myths and sabotages of relationships
- How to forgive and give for a lifetime
- How to identify signs of trouble
Also availabe are Group sessions for Singles, Married, (in between) and those facing tough relationship situations -- Check out the Marriage in the Checkout Line (MICL) Workshops are companion offerings
Customizable Workshop and 1-2 Hour Interactive Presentations available. See Sample Agendas.